Bao Khanh Silk – Hoi An, Vietnam

Hoi An has hundreds of tailors and on previous visits we had items made that turned out to be not great with regard to quality of fabric and workmanship. This time, we went to Bao Khanh Silk and we’re thrilled with the results.
The variety of fabric both style and colour is extensive. Service is brilliant, communication is a breeze and I felt that the lovely ladies there really understood our needs even making suggestions to improve the end result. Everything happened quickly and at our first fitting just 24 hours after measurements, only one item required minor adjustments and that was taken care of promptly.
I had a pair of pants to be copied (three times in different colour linens!) and that turned out to be so easy, we went back for three suit jackets and three shirts! Given the attention to detail and outstanding value for money, I expect we will return many times over. I would recommend Bao Khanh to anyone look for a stress-free tailoring experience in Hoi An.
Visited: August 2017